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About Dr. Eryn Simon

Eryn Simon helps those frustrated by aches and pains revive their active lifestyle through education, exercise, and breathwork rather than costly medical procedures, conventional therapy, or unnecessary “rest”.

In her years of experience, she has worked with countless clients who’ve undergone life pausing surgeries yet still live in pain. She has heard the same medical advice given to her clients time and time again with poor results….  “never walk barefoot”, “surgery is your only option”, “stop running/lifting”.

Eryn is DIFFERENT. She understands that the whole body is connected and that movement compensations can affect people from head to toe. She believes that if someone can learn to move and breathe better, they will feel better.

As an athlete, Eryn was successful in high school and college programs, but always struggled with persistent knee pain.  She was told orthotics were the answer, with no prevail. Now as an expert in human movements she understands how to fix pain and dysfunction with the human body rather than external supports. It’s her mission to prevent people from living with prolonged pain as she did or from getting life altering procedures.

Located in Grandview Ohio, Eryn provides one-on-one, individualized care for active people both in person and virtually. She loves to work alongside clients to solve the hidden issue behind their injuries, but also enjoys working with health conscious individuals that want to better their physical well-being and be proactive in preventing future problems. 

Eryn is passionate about teaching people to move better and excels at treating multiple issues throughout the body.  In her eyes, the body is one cohesive machine where all parts need to be working together optimally for the best results.

Eryn attended Walsh University where she received her Bachelor’s Degree in Biology, and then pursued her Doctorate in Physical Therapy at The Ohio State University.

Eryn’s is a life long learner. She is well versed in breathwork, biomechanics, gait assessment, and higher level exercise. She is constantly reading, taking courses, or participating in mentorships to continue her education for her clients. This has also led her to being an instructor for Functional Gait Assessment Level 1, a continuing ed course offered by Gait Happens for clinicians all over the world.

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