Dear Frustrated Runner, Athlete, And Active Adult…

Are running injuries keeping you from training for your half marathon or keeping you out of the sport you love?

Did the doctor tell you “just rest it”?

If so, know that rest is a short term solution just like anti-inflammatory medications and stretching. It may get you out of pain in the short term but once you go back to running the pain returns because the root cause of the problem was not addressed. If you are struggling with reoccurring running injuries check out this free guide I made for you on the 7 common running injuries I find don’t heal with rest.


Free Guide: 7 Running injuries that Never heal with rest

Learn why rest doesn’t work for common running aches & pains


Here are a few reasons your running injury may be lasting longer than it should….

😞 You thought it would go away on it's own...but it didn't.

😞 You went to the Doctor who told you to rest, wear a brace, and take painkillers - but as soon as they wore off, you were left in pain again.

😞 A family member, or friend, told you that everyone is more prone to injuries as they get older, so you just accepted it.

😞 You tried other Healthcare Professionals, or even Physical Therapy in the past, but it didn't seem to help, so you think it won't work now.

😞 You’ve tried those expensive orthotics and new running shoes you were told would help but the pain is still there.

😞 You decided to get a few “deep tissue massages” to work out the tight muscles, which helps for a day but then the pain slowly creeps back.

whether you’ve recently picked up a Running Injury, or have been suffering a while - it can be tempting to pass it off as “nothing serious”, “put up with it”, and carry on as best you can.

Or, it can be very easy to get disheartened and end up feeling “stuck”, wondering if you’ll ever be able to get back to running or keeping active like you used to…

If that’s happening to you, you’re not alone - we see people going through this all the time. In fact, we see people living with an injury from running and exercise in our clinics in Columbus year round...

I’ve worked with many running injuries - and know how to help people recover from them. When an injury occurs, the best results are seen when treatment is started IMMEDIATELY.

That is completely opposite to the way that most people respond to getting a sports injury, and is why so many people suffering with a running injury are asking themselves: 

“It’s Been Months Now - So Why am I STILL Suffering With an Injury That’s Stopping Me From Being Active and Running/Playing My Favorite Sport?”...

Most people think that when they get a Running Injury it’ll get better with a few days rest, and that they’ll be able to return to running or exercise again, quickly. But then when they go back they’re still restricted - sometimes it’s even worse than it was when it first came on. Often when you rest there is little if any pain - but as soon as you start up again, it comes back and no matter how much rest you give it - it doesn’t seem to be improving.

Does That Sound Like You?

Another scenario we see all the time in our Physical Therapy Clinic is when people go to the Doctors, and the Doctor tells them they need to take a break, rest, wear a brace and “try these painkillers” to “see how it goes” - but then 4 weeks later they end up going back to the same Doctor again because the injury hasn’t got any better, only to be given MORE rest, and ANOTHER prescription of even stronger pills. Even worse, recommending surgery!

The problem is that when it comes to running injuries - hamstrings, ankle sprains, runner's knee etc., - complete rest is rarely the best advice.

So maybe you’re confused and frustrated because you been told different things, by different people.

Running injuries can be very confusing because more often than not, where the pain is coming from, isn’t actually the area that needs to be fixed and worked on and if you rest for too long - other parts of the body become just as, if not more problematic!

This confusion over “resting” often leads people to continue to procrastinate and put off making a decision about what to do to help fix their injury and return back to running/exercise. Worse, many people just end up accepting ‘their days of being active are over’ - as if it’s normal, as if it ‘has’ to be that way.

Is That How You Feel Too? The Next Important Step Is To Take Action...Here Are Your Best Options To Find Out How We Can Help:


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